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Both languages have powered to provide a better application. But slight advantages can hang over to PHP.

  • PHP will work well in any kind of platform and server.  ASP.NET can be used only with Internet Information Server (IIS).
  • Both are same but ASP.NET is more on Rapid-Application-Development and PHP is more on Coding.
  • For PHP, a code written on Linux/Apache will work on Windows or any OS/Web Server. But .NET, even though we have ports available, you will require some tweaks to make it run.
  • PHP is an open source technology which can be used for free. ASP.NET is a Microsoft technology that is expensive in price.
  • PHP is a programming language that is used for creating web applications.  ASP.NET is a platform in which programming languages such as VB.NET or C# can be used to create ASP.NET applications.
  • PHP works well with MySQL database. MySQL database is also available for free. ASP.NET mostly works with MS-SQL database, which also belongs to Microsoft and MS-SQL is not available for free.
  • PHP can run in Linux Operating System which is available for free. ASP.NET needs Windows Platform which is not available for free.
  • PHP execution is faster because PHP uses in-built memory space. ASP.NET code execution is comparatively slower because it will utilize the server space during execution.
  • Even Notepad can be used for coding. PHP is more easy for that, but if you can afford Visual Studio, then ASP.NET.
  • Both PHP & .NET parties release fixes for bugs and security issues instantly.

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Basic Object Oriented(OO) Terms


Some of the basic object-oriented terms:


A class is a template for an object. A class contains the code which defines how an object will behave and interact either with each other, or with it. Every time you create an object in PHP, you are actually developing the class.


A property is a container inside the class which can retain some information. Unlike other languages, PHP doesn’t check the type of property variable. A property could be accessible only in class itself, by its subclass, or by everyone. In essence, a property is a variable which is declared inside the class itself, but not inside any function in that class.


Methods are functions inside a class. Like properties, methods can also be accessible by those three types of users.

Design Patterns:

First invented by the “Gang of Four”, design patterns are just tricks in object oriented programming to solve similar sets of problems with a smarter approach. Using design patterns (DP) can increase the performance of your whole application with minimal code written by developers. Sometimes it is not possible to design optimized solutions without using DP. But unnecessary and unplanned use of DP can also degrade the performance of your application.


Encapsulation is the mechanism that binds together code and the data it manipulates, and keeps both safe from outside interference and misuse. The wrapping up of data and methods into a single unit (called class) is known as encapsulation. The benefit of encapsulating is that it performs the task inside without . The benefit of encapsulating is that it performs the task inside without making you worry.


Objects could be of any type. A discrete object can have discrete properties and methods which work separately to other objects. However a set of objects could be derived from a parent object and retain some properties of the parent class. This process is called polymorphism. An object could be morphed into several other objects retaining some of its behaviour.


Coupling is the behaviour of how classes are dependent on each other. Loosely coupled architecture is much more reusable than tightly coupled objects.  Coupling is a very important concern for designing better objects.


The key process of deriving a new object by extending another object is called inheritance. When you inherit an object from another object, the subclass (which inherits) derives all the properties and methods of the superclass (which is inherited). A subclass can then process each method of superclass anyway (which is called overriding).

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Types of Coding in Webdesign | Web Development

Web design

Basic web development(Coding types) might consist of:

Client side coding:

  • HTML5 and CSS3
  • Flash
  • Java Script
  • jQuery
  • Microsoft Silverlight
  • AJAX

Server side coding:

  • PHP (open source)
  • ASP (Microsoft proprietary)
  • ActiveVFP (open source)
  • CSP, Server-Side ANSI C
  • ColdFusion (Adobe proprietary, formerly Macromedia, formerly Allaire)
  • CGI
  • Erlang, with Linux, Yaws, Mnesia, Erlang (LYME) solution stack
  • Groovy (programming language) Grails (framework)
  • Java, e.g. Java EE or WebObjects
  • Lotus Domino
  • Node.js
  • Perl
  • Python
  • Real Studio Web Edition
  • .NET
  • Ruby, e.g. Ruby on Rails (open source)
  • Smalltalk e.g. Seaside, AIDA/Web
  • SSJS Server-Side JavaScript
  • WebDNA (WSC proprietary)
  • Websphere (IBM proprietary)

Database technology:

  • MySQL
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • DB2 (IBM proprietary)
  • Firebird
  • Apache Derby
  • MySQL
  • Oracle
  • PostgreSQL
  • SQLite
  • Sybase
  • Redis
  • MongoDB
  • CouchDB
  • FileMaker
  • WebDNA

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HTML | Tags | Presentation Tags

html presentation

These are just three of the ten options available to indicate how text can appear in XHTML. The full list is bold, italic, monospaced, underlined, strikethrough, teletype, larger, smaller, superscripted, and subscripted text.


Anything that appears in a <b> element is displayed in bold.


<p>This is <b>Bold Text</b></p>



The content of an <i> element is displayed in italicized text.


<p>This is <i>Italic Text</i></p>



The content of a <u> element is underlined with a simple line.


<p> This is <u>Underlined Text</u></p>



The content of an <s> or <strike> element is displayed with a strikethrough, which is a thin line through the text (<s> is just the abbreviated form of <strike>.


<p> This is a  <strike>Strike Text </strike> or</p>

<p> This is also a <s>Strike Text</s><p>



The content of a <tt> element is written in mono-spaced font (like that of a teletype machine).


<tt>This is tt Text<tt>



The content of a <sup> element is written in superscript; it is displayed half a char the other characters and is also often slightly smaller than the text surrounding it.


<p> Today is 1 <sup>st </sup> January </p>



The content of a <sub> element is written in subscript; it is displayed half a character ‘ s height beneath the other characters and is also often slightly smaller than the text surrounding it.


<p> We got a solution of H<sub>2</sub>O </p>



The contents of this element one font size larger than the rest of the text surrounding it.


<p> This is the <big>Big Text</big> </p>



This contents are displayed one font size smaller than the rest of the text surrounding it.


<p> This is the <small> Small Text </small> </p>


<hr />:

The < hr / > element creates a horizontal rule across the page.


<hr />
<P> Above & Below display the horizontal Line</P>
<hr />


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HTML | Tags | Pharse Tags

html pharse_tags






The following elements are not just for presentational purposes; they also describe something about their content.


The content of an <em> element is intended to be a point of emphasis in your document, and it is usually displayed in italicized text.


<p>This is the <em>Emphasis Text</em> </p>



The <strong> element is intended to show strong emphasis for its content  stronger emphasis than the <em> element.


<p> This is the <strong> Strong Text </strong> </p>



Many documents need to contain a snail – mail address, and there is a special <address> element that is used to contain addresses.


<address>18/25 QA,TamilNadu,India-606601</address>



It indicate when you are using an abbreviated form by placing the abbreviation between opening <abbr> and closing < /abbr> tags. When possible, consider using a   title  attribute whose value is the full version of the abbreviations.


<p> This is <abbr title=”Padmanaban”> Padthu </abbr> Abbreviation Text</p>



The <acronym> element allows you to indicate that the text between opening <acronym> and closing   </acronym> tags is an acronym.When possible, use a title attribute on opening <acronym> tags whose value is the full version of the acronym.


<p> This is <acronym title=”Cascadind Style Sheet”> CSS </acronym> Acronyms Text</p>



The <dfn> element allows you to specify that you are introducing a special term. Its use is similar to the italicized notes in this book used to introduce important new concepts.


<p>PHP is embedded into <dfn> HTML </dfn> </p>



When you want to quote a passage from another source, you should use the <blockquote> element.


<p> PHP is a <blockquote>HyperText Preprocessor</blockquote></p>



The <q> element is intended to be used when you want to add a quote within a sentence, rather than as an indented block on its own.


<p> This is a <q>Simple Text</q> </p>



If you are quoting a text,you can indicate the source by placing it between an opening <cite> tag and closing </cite> tag. As you would expect in a print publication,the content of the <cite> element is rendered in italicized text by default.


<p> This is a <cite> Cite description</cite> text</p>



If your pages include any programming code (which is not uncommon on the Web),elements will be of particular use to you. Any code to appear on a web page should be placed inside a  <code> element.


<p> This is the <code> &lt;h1&gt;code element&lt;h1&gt;</code> Text</p>



If, when talking about computers, you want to tell a reader to enter some text, you can use the <kbd> element to indicate what should be typed in.


<p> This is the kbd element<kbd> CTRL </kbd><kbd> ALT</kbd></p>



The <var> element is another of the elements added to help programmers. It is usually used in conjunction with the < pre > and < code > elements to indicate that the content of that element is a variable that can be supplied by a user.


<p> <code>document.write(“<var>Text</var>”)  </code></p>



The <samp> element indicates sample output from a program, script, or the like. Again, it is mainly used when documenting programming concepts.


<p><samp> This is the Sample Text </samp></p>


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